Tawny George is a therapist in Boulder, Colorado who practices from a mind and body integrated approach that takes into account the importance of listening to the body and letting it lead the way to healing. Using a blend of therapeutic approaches, Tawny utilizes modalities that lead to a mind-body re-intergration that trauma has often interrupted. Blending EMDR with IFS (parts work) and somatic techniques allows the client to engage in deep and effective therapeutic work in often short amounts of time. Having personally experienced the effects of spiritual trauma, and knowing the immense impact it can have on the developing psyche of children, Tawny is an advocate for educating others on the traumatic and lasting effects that harmful theological ideas and religious practices can have on individuals. She works with religious trauma survivors in her practice in Colorado and runs an Instagram page @boundless_and_free to further awareness and education around religious trauma and its harmful effects. 
