Do You Want To Feel Seen?

By Tammy Chow

Shared With Permission

My whole life, my story was that I deserved to be invisible.


This story came from years of me suffering silently through depression and bulimia, while my dad’s alcoholism was the forefront of my family’s attention.


There were countless times I remember lying on the ground in the bathroom totally spent, after rage purging my feelings into the toilet, where I thought to myself “At least when I die they will notice.”


They never did notice my suffering, and this pattern of torturing myself silently in hopes of being seen became my life story.


I spent years trying hard to perfect my talents, my body, and my personality all in hopes that SOMEONE would notice.


I was so frustrated that my peers all seemed to get recognition for their gifts, even though I was just as talented. They were featured in magazines, social media, getting awards and receiving recognition for who they were.


So I just put my head down and worked even harder to achieve, in hopes someone else would see that I was good enough to be seen.


Finally, my trauma healing journey taught me that being seen isn’t a passive act of waiting for others to notice me.


It’s an ACTIVE practice of expanding my capacity to be with all the discomfort that being seen came with, since my body found safety in being invisible for all those years.


I actively had to learn how to:

  • put myself out there, regardless of criticism and rejection

  • ask for help to achieve my goals

  • express my needs in relationship

  • connect with like-minded people to find community

  • be my true self in social settings

  • feel safe receiving attention, praise, and love

It’s surreal to me that I’m now being seen for my unique gifts - that my voice and the message I am here to share is being received. I now get to help other women find their voices, come back to self, and reclaim their personal power!


I have found my place of belonging, because I learned to first see myself.

Our deepest human desire is to be seen in our authenticity. Our only work is to show up for it.

Your soul has a unique message to share, and the world would be lacking without it. 



Tammy is a Trauma Healing and Soul Alignment Coach who works with women to heal their nervous systems, so they can find energetic alignment and share their gifts with the world.

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