Learning to Attune To Our Children's Behavior Starts With Learning To Attune To Our Own

By Maggie Viers

Shared With Permission

Learning to get curious and attune to our children’s behavior starts with getting curious and attuning to our own. 

Instead of: “I am the worst mom. I can’t believe I yelled at the kids,”

Attunement, Curiosity + Compassion: “I was past my capacity and I yelled. I wonder what I was needing.”

Instead of: “I can’t sit still and just be present with my kids. What’s wrong with me?”

Attunement, Curiosity + Compassion: “Growing up, it was safe for me to dissociate or distract myself from feeling. Each time I notice this pattern, I become more present.”

Instead of: I can’t believe I got frustrated at my child again about a little spill on the floor. What is wrong with me?”

Attunement, Curiosity + Compassion: “It wasn’t okay for me to make mistakes or messes growing up, so it makes sense this is something I’m working on. Each time I bring more awareness to my, I become closer to handling it the way I wish to.”

Each time you give yourself attunement, curiosity, and compassion, instead of solely focusing on your behavior, you are re-wiring old neural pathways and creating opportunities for true growth and change. 

True growth comes when we learn to give ourselves that attunement, curiosity, and compassion now as a parent. And when we learn to do this for ourselves, we learn to do this for our children. 

Maggie is an Occupational Therapist who has evolved into a conscious parent coach. She has a passion for shifting the paradigm for how we view behavior and supporting other parents to become more connected to themselves, their children, and others. She does this by getting to the “why” and approaching life with curiosity. She helps parents to understand their own nervous system, sensory profile, and triggers so they can better understand their children as well.

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